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Training 2020
RELICO Pharma Day 2020
How to get to RELICO

Certain user populations are spread around the globe, are numerous, and use very limited functionality of the system. Examples are site users, investigators, and CRAs in Remote Data Capture or CRAs in Siebel Clinical. Due to the high number of users and the small perimeter of functionality to be trained it is nowadays more cost effective to use eLearning instead of class room training.

Modules for site users, investigators, and CRAs available for Remote Data Capture 5.1.n.

Demo the update of a value in RDC 5.1 (request credentials from hauke.kindler@relico.de)

Module for CRAs available.

Demo the opening of a site in SC 8.1.16 (request credentials from hauke.kindler@relico.de)

Modules for Book-in and Data Entry available

Demo the book-in of a case (request credentials from hauke.kindler@relico.de)
